Terms of servicePHPBB.net provides forum hosting services. There are certain restrictions on the content that we allow you to place on your forum. We will absolutely not host any forum that contains, links to, promotes, provides instructions on the following topics. Strictly Prohibited Content
Additional Reasons for forum deletion
PHPBB.net has the right to cancel any of its services without prior notice. The software featured at PHPBB.net are to be used at your own risk. PHPBB.net won't be responsible for the damages caused by the usage of any of its services or products. We reserve the right to take all necessary actions in cases where we find forums that carry content which we may deem objectionable. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Disclaimer of WarrantiesYou must understand and agree that any service provided is provided "as is" and "as available". PHPBB.net makes no warranties of any kind regarding any service provided. PHPBB.net makes no claim that any service provided will meet your requirements, will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. no information obtained from a third party is endorsed by PHPBB.net and remains the responsibility of the third party providing the information. the provider gives no warranty, expressed or implied, for the services provided, including, without limitation, warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. this no warranty expressly includes any reimbursement for losses of income due to disruption of service by the provider or its providers beyond the fees paid by client to provider for services. we make every effort to backup our data, but we are not responsible for any loss of data. Trademark InformationThe entire contents of this site are property of FreeForums.org, including but not limited to: text, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, audio clips, and any other data form. You may not reproduce, modify, copy, republish, or transmit/distribute, and portion of the website without the prior express written consent of FreeForums.org. Your submission of any file hereby constitutes your agreement to grant FreeForums.org a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, sub-licensable, perpetual license, to reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, adapt, sub-license, and publicly display any such submissions. You also grant FreeForums.org the right to utilize your name in connection with all advertising, marketing and promotional materials related thereto. FreeForums.org will enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law. COPPAEvery forum is expected to require individuals under the age of 13 to submit permission from their parents in order to join their forum. Those forums found to have removed the built in software which automatically requests this information on each of our forums, will be suspended, if they do not remedy within 1 week. Our Terms of Use may be updated without warning, we highly recommend that you check for updates on a regular basis. |